
Reckoning With Race Curriculum

An important step in Year of Reckoning cities’ journey is taking the time to build racial equity competencies through deep learning, discussion and practice. This is why Living Cities has partnered with the People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond, Gumbo Media, Third Space Action Lab, Black Womxn Flourish, and others to design and deliver a curriculum that includes seven modules with resources, discussion questions, and sample workshop agendas.

Living Cities invites you and your organization to engage, reflect on, and share this curriculum to deepen our collective understanding of racism and its impacts, and develop the skills to disrupt it as people, in our roles, and in the systems around us.


About the Year of Reckoning Project

The Closing the Gaps Network (CTG) is a ten-year initiative that brings together leaders from cities across the country who are committed to imagining what an anti-racist society might look like, and to playing an important role in building it through the transformation of government policies, practices and operations.

Within the network, six cities–Albuquerque, NM; Austin, TX; Memphis, TN; Minneapolis, MN; Rochester, NY; and St. Paul, MN–have been selected for deeper engagement through a Year of Reckoning cohort. The Year of Reckoning supports people leading anti-racism work in local government to engage other city leaders as part of a cross-departmental team. Through the Year of Reckoning, city team members further their ongoing efforts to organize within local government and shift power to communities of color. Collectively, these six city teams make up a Year of Reckoning cohort that serves as the foundational racial equity competency-building experience within the Closing the Gaps Network.

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