
Learning and Insights Tracker

This resource is used by staff at Living Cities to track progress towards our organizational results. Please download and adapt the template for your own work.

The first sheet is a place for you to capture your big-picture learning questions, hypotheses about how your work will have an impact, and assumptions about the work you are doing. It also has a column to lay out your overall tasks, objectives, and expected deliverables within those objectives. The remaining columns (“status,” “updates” and “learning and next steps”) are updated periodically throughout the year to get a sense of how the work is progressing. Living Cities updates them quarterly, but you may want to update them more or less frequently.

The second sheet is focused on learning questions and performance measures. For each learning question, you can also create more specific sub-learning question. For each sub-learning question, we create performance measures that track quantitative data related to performance. We also want to track qualitative data or “stories of impact” that aren’t captured in the quantitative data. Finally, this sheet will also help you capture big picture insights that relate to the learning questions.

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