
Albuquerque Needs Assessment

This report consists of two parts. Part I, the Needs Assessment, uses quantitative and qualitative data to convey an understanding of racial inequity in Albuquerque. Part II, the Site Planning & Analysis, identifies specific parcels for equitable development as a response to the findings in Part I. 


The data gathered as part of this report indicates that Black and Native communities in Albuquerque are at the greatest disadvantage in terms of ability to build wealth through homeownership and entrepreneurship. Asian American/Pacific Islanders reportedly demonstrate higher access to homeownership and business starts and growth, however, there is a need to disaggregate relevant data by country of origin and other intersections.


As a result, funders have asked the City to focus on Black and Native communities, the most disadvantaged, in working toward closing the racial wealth gap. This report should be used as a point of departure for future planning and action in Albuquerque.


This report features a dynamic collaboration between the City of Albuquerque and MASS (Model of Architecture Serving Society) Design Group focused on identifying clear needs and preferences of Black and Native potential homeowners and determining optimal locations for those homes on City lands at multiple scales.

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